Problem mit dem Luftstrom im walltherm?

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Registriert: 24. Jan 2018, 19:53
Problem mit dem Luftstrom im walltherm?

Beitrag von masse »

I have the new walltherm with exhaust limiting rods in the exhaust ducts.
When the walltherm is cold and i start it, i have some problem with air drag but thats fixed by opening the lower door.
After 3 minutes i can close it and it burns great.
When the walltherm exhaust is 250-300C i change the lever and here the problem starts.
At first i have a good flame but after a short time it dies out and i have to open the lever and let the fire wake up.
Until now i had to do this ritual until the walltherm is warmed up, then it works.
Today i found a way, i close the big door just enough to lock it a little and it drags air from the door and i get a small but stable flame.
(if i dont lock it alittle it backfires alittle and opens the door and smoke comes out)
When i change the lever after a while i get a perfect flame.
Is there a problem with the air flow inside the walltherm?
i use air from outside through a pipe under the floor.

google translate...

Ich habe die neue walltherm mit Abgasbegrenzungsstangen in den Abluftkanälen.
Wenn die walltherm kalt ist und ich beginne es, ich habe ein Problem mit der Luftwiderstand, sondern fixiert das ist durch die untere Tür zu öffnen.
Nach 3 Minuten kann ich es schließen und es brennt großartig.
Wenn das walltherm Abgas 250-300C ist, ändere ich den Hebel und hier fängt das Problem an.
Zuerst habe ich eine gute Flamme, aber nach kurzer Zeit stirbt es aus und ich muss den Hebel öffnen und das Feuer aufwachen lassen.
Bis jetzt musste ich dieses Ritual machen, bis das Walltherm aufgewärmt ist, dann funktioniert es.
Heute habe ich einen Weg gefunden, ich schließe die große Tür gerade genug, um sie ein wenig zu verriegeln und es zieht Luft aus der Tür und ich bekomme eine kleine, aber stabile Flamme.
(wenn ich es nicht sperre, gibt es ein bisschen nach hinten und öffnet die Tür und der Rauch kommt raus)
Wenn ich den Hebel nach einer Weile vertausche, bekomme ich eine perfekte Flamme.
Gibt es ein Problem mit dem Luftstrom im walltherm?
Ich benutze Luft von außen durch ein Rohr unter dem Boden.
E Neubauten
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Registriert: 31. Okt 2013, 07:22
Wohnort: Sinzig/Ahrtal
Re: Problem mit dem Luftstrom im walltherm?

Beitrag von E Neubauten »

Hi masse,
there are several things you can try:
- your wood is really dry enough?
- check the lid on the right side - is it always still wide open to let in enough air ?
- try to heat up the whole system a little longer (it doesnt matter reaching 350°-400°) - I guess the main issue here is the exhaust pipe did not get enough temperature to generate enough draft.
- try to increase the temperature of the water (circulating inside the walltherm) just a little 2° or so
- change inside air flow a little: open the lower door and look to the top. there a some slots. plug them partly with sealing cord (use the same material as for the glass and door and so on) I got best results when 2/3 was sealed, using 3 parts of sealing cord.
Ask again if all these measures dont work!
Königsspitze 2011 (als Alleinheizung :mrgreen: ) mit Zusatzdämmung und IR-Glas
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 24. Jan 2018, 19:53
Re: Problem mit dem Luftstrom im walltherm?

Beitrag von masse »

the wood is around 20%
the lid on the right is fully open.
I have tried 300-400c it dosent help
the circulating water is 62C
I cant visualize how I should plug, can you take some pictures please?

today when I started the walltherm i lit it with small sticks and then mid size and then large.
it burned with a big flame in the upper chamber,400c exhaust, i changed the lever and got a really big circular flame in the lower chamber.
after 1 minute the flame slowly died, i could see how the circular part of the flame barely lived and disapered and came back.
after a few minutes no flame was visable at all.
i changed the lever, the fire in the upper chamber barely lived and after 1 minute it was full flame again, then i changed the lever and got great flame in lower chamber wich died out after 1 minute again.
why do i have great draft in the upper chamber but not the lower?

is the air lid to the right side connected to the lid inside the lower air inlet?
could something fallen out of its place inside when they carried it in during installation?

im very grateful for all suggestions :)

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Re: Problem mit dem Luftstrom im walltherm?

Beitrag von JAU »

masse hat geschrieben:the wood is around 20%
Could be better. How long did you store the wood?
I have tried 300-400c it dosent help
The temperature is not as important as the time you hold it. Use less wood to keep the temperature. Take yourself some time. Instead of moving the lever too early.
I cant visualize how I should plug, can you take some pictures please? ... 2692#p2634
the circulating water is 62C
You should rise to ~65°C
why do i have great draft in the upper chamber but not the lower?
The gases through the lower chamber also goes over the heat exchanger. This way has much higher resistance and get cooled down way more. So we have two factors which reduce draft.
Point is: The chimney will also take some heat off the exhaust. But, after the heat exchanger isn't much left to do so. How much we have to preheat the chimney depends on its material and mass.
is the air lid to the right side connected to the lid inside the lower air inlet?
Yes. Upper and lower chamber.
could something fallen out of its place inside when they carried it in during installation?
I don't think so.

mfg JAU
E Neubauten
Beiträge: 108
Registriert: 31. Okt 2013, 07:22
Wohnort: Sinzig/Ahrtal
Re: Problem mit dem Luftstrom im walltherm?

Beitrag von E Neubauten »

What kind of wood do you fire? A mixture of oak and beech (50/50) works best for me...

I cant visualize how I should plug, can you take some pictures please?
Open the lower door. Inside look up. There is a gap along the whole width between stone and metal (as far as i remember, I will have a look tonight) . It has similar function to the metal thing next to the upper door. It provides airflow at the upper window to prevent soot at the glass. For the gap its the same for the lower door/glass. Therefore you might discover more dirt at the lower window. Then try out two stripes of sealing cord, letting small parts in the middle and at the edges free for airflow. Simply squeeze the sealing cord there. No need to use glue.
Königsspitze 2011 (als Alleinheizung :mrgreen: ) mit Zusatzdämmung und IR-Glas
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 24. Jan 2018, 19:53
Re: Problem mit dem Luftstrom im walltherm?

Beitrag von masse »

I bought the wood
I have found out the the walltherm is super cooled by the draft during the time i don't use it. (winter air)
changing the lever or opening the lower door seems to help.
is there a part i can buy that will close the inlet air when i don't use the walltherm?
It takes about 1 hour to heat up the walltherm and the circulating water, after that the flame is stable.
i changed the temp to 65C and it seems to help
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Re: Problem mit dem Luftstrom im walltherm?

Beitrag von JAU »

masse hat geschrieben:I have found out the the walltherm is super cooled by the draft during the time i don't use it. (winter air)
changing the lever or opening the lower door seems to help.
Well, you take the air directly from outside, maybe its cold enough to kondense some water on the intake pipes or even Walli?
If you open a door preheated air from the room will escape through your exhaust and will be replaced by cold outside air.
is there a part i can buy that will close the inlet air when i don't use the walltherm?
Site 36: ... www_DE.pdf
It takes about 1 hour to heat up the walltherm and the circulating water, after that the flame is stable.



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